Move EU

About the european association of on demand mobility

Move EU brings together the leading actors in the field of new mobility services. Speaking with one voice, our members aim to foster the rapid and sustainable deployment of on-demand mobility in the European Union.

Move EU mobilises its knowledge and resources to support policymakers across the EU and engages with stakeholders at all levels.

Action at EU-level is Key

Rethinking transport and transitioning to shared modes of transport will be essential to achieve the goals of the European Green Deal.

However, shared and on-demand mobility services (in particular ride-hailing) currently face a number of cross-border challenges, which require coordinated EU action. Many of the territorial restrictions infringe EU treaties and adversely affect the level of typical competition. A key aim should be to ensure a true single market for services.

Move EU strongly supports EU-level action with the goal to unleash the potential of digital technologies and make transport more efficient and sustainable for all Europeans.

Move EU members are a key part of the urban mobility system across Europe. Our perspective goes beyond the scope of the Roadmap and Public Consultation, and can bring practical examples from mobility users and providers.

Contact us

We stand ready to contribute to the European Commission’s work and be part of a more targeted consultation at a later stage.